- What's wrong with the table lamp? - Co še pohubila tota stolova lampa!?
- Was the air-conditioning set correctly? - Buli tote fukare dobre zrobene?
- What's in the minibar? - No idzem šicko okoštovac.
- For the sauna, turn left - U saune je ceplo jak u pekľe, ic do ľeva, tam je bar.
- Walk along the coridor - Ňeže še pošputaš. Teras pozmivano.
- Please, listen carefully - Merkuj ty bitang!
- You must keep the fire exits clear - Modľi še žeby nezačalo horec, bo šicko zapratane.
- Please, read the list carefully. - Ňežgrap jak kocur zos labu!
- These products must be marked cleary. - Kec porobiš balamuty, ta uš ci jednu doras upašem!
- If you see an accident, find a first aider immediately. - Kec še dachto zdziga, daj sebe pifko a rob
- še, že ši toto čudo popod nohy nešturil ty.
- Work with the partner. - Budzeš drec zos totu berzdu.
- What is your name? - Jake ci meno?
- Friday the 23rd is fine. - Ňeda še.
- Can I have a contact number for you? - Navaľ čislo na teľefonnu buďu.
- Do you need glasses? - Co nevidziš, abo ši šľepy?
- Where is the coffe shop? - Navar kavej!
- When is it open? - Už malo byc otvarto!
- God bless you. - Merkuj naj ňezbereš zos totu cehlu.
- This is an excellence pasta dish. - Doňešce meso zo šviňi, ľečky ňežerem!
- One moment, I'll check for you. - Zober še a choc do zatku!
- Can I help you? - Co kukaš jak na ceľe na vrata?
- I'm sorry, we don't have some fresh fish today. - Ňeška ľem zdochnute ryby.
- You should see a doctor. - Už ľem toto ci chybovalo, žeby ce tirak prešol.
- Here's your key card for your room. - Tu maš preukašku do chiži.
- It was the best concert ever! - Mušela tam tota operna špivačka teľo grevčec?
- Can you reserve me a table for two at eight o'clock? - O druhej dakeho vyruc od stola.
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